Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Three most popular web site building platforms in 2017

A content management system (or website building platform) is a user-friendly platform for building websites and managing your own online content, instead of using a bunch of loose HTML pages.

1. Wordpress

Nearly half of the websites on the internet are running on the WordPress website platform.

2. Drupal

Drupal is a very powerful platform that is popular with web developers and experienced coders, but it comes with a very steep learning curve that makes it a bad choice for beginners.

3. Joomla

Joomla is similar to WordPress and works great for online stores, but you’ll need at least a little bit of technical coding to make it work the way you want.

Why WordPress is better than the rest?

a. It’s totally FREE, with loads of layouts to choose from

WordPress doesn’t cost a dime to download or install, and there’s a huge community who have designed beautiful themes and templates, making it easy to get going fast.

b. It’s extremely beginner-friendly

If you know how to use Microsoft Word, you already know how add your own content. WordPress can be expanded with free plugins to handle just about any site you can imagine – from gorgeous business pages to social networking sites. With “plugins” you’ll be able to add contact forms, subscription forms, image galleries and so on for your website – pretty simple, huh?

c. Small or Big site? Doesn’t matter…

From basic blogs to beautiful business sites and online stores, WordPress can handle just about any kind of website. WordPress is used by Facebook, eBay, McAfee, Mozilla, Reuters, CNN, Google Ventures and even NASA.

d. It’s mobile & tablet friendly

The website you build will be responsive, looking great on every mobile device, smartphone and tablet.

e. There’s a huge support community

With so many people on the platform, it’s easy to find help when you need it, and lots of free resources you can dig into.

Reference: https://websitesetup.org/
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Sunday, July 16, 2017

HTML Tag Anatomy

Hello World!
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HTML Tag P and H1

My Heading

Example paragraph
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HTML Style (CSS)

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Search with Google"
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HTML for Beginners

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What Is The Difference Between the Internet and World Wide Web?

Many people use the terms Internet and World Wide Web (aka. the Web) interchangeably, but in fact the two terms are not synonymous. The Internet and the Web are two separate but related things.

What is The Internet?

The Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the Internet. Information that travels over the Internet does so via a variety of languages known as protocols.

What is The Web (World Wide Web)?

The World Wide Web, or simply Web, is a way of accessing information over the medium of the Internet. It is an information-sharing model that is built on top of the Internet. The Web uses the HTTP protocol, only one of the languages spoken over the Internet, to transmit data. Web services, which use HTTP to allow applications to communicate in order to exchange business logic, use the the Web to share information. The Web also utilizes browsers, such as Internet Explorer or Firefox, to access Web documents called Web pages that are linked to each other via hyperlinks. Web documents also contain graphics, sounds, text and video.

The Web is a Portion of The Internet

The Web is just one of the ways that information can be disseminated over the Internet. The Internet, not the Web, is also used for email, which relies on SMTP, Usenet news groups, instant messaging and FTP. So the Web is just a portion of the Internet, albeit a large portion, but the two terms are not synonymous and should not be confused.
REFERENCE: http://www.webopedia.com/DidYouKnow/Internet/Web_vs_Internet.asp
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What Is Web?

The Web, or World Wide Web (W3), is basically a system of Internet servers that support specially formatted documents. The documents are formatted in a markup language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language) that supports links to other documents, as well as graphics, audio, and video files. This means you can jump from one document to another simply by clicking on hot spots. Not all Internet servers are part of the World Wide Web. According to WorldWideWebSize.com the indexed Web contains at least 3.32 billion pages as of July 10, 2014.

There are several applications called Web browsers that make it easy to access the World Wide Web; Two of the most popular being Firefox and Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

World Wide Web is not synonymous with the Internet. Learn more in The Difference Between the Internet and the World Wide Web

REFERENCE: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/W/World_Wide_Web.html
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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Sentiment Resources: Lexicons and Datasets



Sentiment lexicons and datasets represent the knowledge base that lies at the foundation of a SA system. In its simplest form, a sentiment lexicon is a repository of words/phrases labelled with sentiment. Similarly, a sentiment-annotated dataset consists of documents (tweets, sentences or longer documents) labelled with one or more sentiment labels. This chapter explores the philosophy, execution and utility of popular sentiment lexicons and datasets. We describe different labelling schemes that may be used. We then provide a detailed description of existing sentiment and emotion lexicons, and the trends underlying research in lexicon generation. This is followed by a survey of sentiment-annotated datasets and the nuances of labelling involved. We then show how lexicons and datasets created for one language can be transferred to a new language. Finally, we place these sentiment resources in the perspective of their classic applications to sentiment analysis.


Sentiment lexicons Sentiment datasets Evaluation Transfer learning 



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